We offer you for free our

"Order Entry System"

It will save you time as well as it will save your paperwork.

Our aim is to provide you with the latest updated product and process list that we are offering, as well as to ensure that we receive your orders correctly with the correct product. You can place your order with us direct via our Order Entry System.

Order Entry System installation Guide

Minimum System Requirements for Order Entry System

1. Microsoft® Windows® 7 or above.

2. Microsoft .Net framework 4.5.2 or above

*** if you do not have it already installed, Please click here to download and install.

3. Internet connection.

4. 100mb free space.

5. 2gb of RAM.



1. Click here to download the New Version of Order Entry System - installation package.




To Install application, right click on downloaded installation package and select install or Double click on downloaded package.




On the first window you will be prompted by the setup wizard to install the Ultratough Order Entry Software, choose next to start this process.




You will be requeseted to input a location to install the files, we have given default values that will work on all Windows PCs, you can however change them if you like, if the computer you use has more than one user account you have the option to install the program so it's available to all accounts stored on the computer or just the one you are currently using.
Inexperienced users should use the default values to avoid any problems. Click next.




If you are happy with your selections you can now press next to install the files to your computer.



Finish - Installation

Finished! Click close to complete the setup process.




Ready to Use

You will now have a new icon on you desktop like the one shown below. Double click the icon to start the software.